Enjoy a staycation at a lovely BC Bed & Breakfast
Along with many other businesses, many Bed & Breakfasts have been closed the last several months due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Even though B&Bs were not specifically ordered closed, many did so for the safety of guests as well as the innkeepers/owners. Bed & Breakfasts are of course an inherently personal business as you stay in someone’s home. This will be an advantage as B&Bs are getting ready to re-open, following all the provincial health guidelines laid out for hotels and other accommodations. There will be fewer people at a B&B than at an hotel and innkeepers will have adapted their breakfast service to keep on top of social distancing. Yet you’ll still get the opportunity to socialize with other guests to enjoy some social interaction, one of the highlights of a B&B stay, especially after many of us have been self-isolating for weeks. Cleanliness is always a priority at a Bed & Breakfast, and will be even more so in the current climate.
Bed & Breakfasts are small, local businesses. They in turn support other local businesses such as tourist attractions, wineries, golf courses, local shops, restaurants and more, so staying at a Bed & Breakfast is a great way to support local in these strange and unprecedented times. Your B&B innkeepers are usually a fountain of knowledge about everything there is to see and do locally and in their region. With BC residents being asked to stay close to home and within the province this summer, a B&B stay is a great choice for your staycation. You’ll get out of the house, and we’ll pamper you a bit and help make your stay a real holiday, something we’re all in need of.
For innkeepers needing some help with how to deal with re-opening under the new guidelines, we have a number of information resources available for you so feel free to contact us.
We are all ready to get back to some level of normal, although it will be a different normal, but above all we want to ensure that everyone stays safe and healthy, while bringing some much needed outside enjoyment back into our lives.