Voice of BC's Professional Bed & Breakfast Industry
A Day In The Life Of A B&B B&Bkeeper

A Day In The Life Of A B&B B&Bkeeper

6:00 am The alarm clock goes off for the innkeeper at our Bed & Breakfast.  Guests are having breakfast at 8 o’clock so time to get up, get dressed, put your face on and head to the kitchen.  Fabulous breakfasts are always included at a real B&B.  While...
Get Ready… Get Set… Taste!

Get Ready… Get Set… Taste!

The Okanagan Spring Wine Festival runs from April 30 to May 9 and promises to be the best ever.   If you love fabulous wine and fine food this is an experience to be savored and remembered.  What better way to welcome the new grape growing season than with a festival...