Local Bed & Breakfasts here in the Comox Valley had a get acquainted tour yesterday and it was fun and informative. Your blogger saw the newest members’ homes for the first time and got his memory refreshed about the others. The thing about Bed & Breakfasts that is both a plus and a minus is that each is unique. Being unique is a plus because each Bed & Breakfast is an adventure offering a different design, different style and furnishings, different ownership and all that goes along with it. That uniqueness is perhaps a minus for those who like to know exactly what they’re getting and are afraid of being disappointed.
I want to tell you that you won’t be disappointed. Bed & Breakfast hosts are proud of their homes and want to please you. Bed & Breakfast innkeepers go the extra mile in the kitchen because they want to show off and hear “oohs and aahs” coming from the breakfast table. And not only do they go the extra mile in the kitchen, but in every other aspect of their Bed & Breakfast with great attention to detail. Getting acquainted with my colleagues made it crystal clear that each of us has cleanliness, comfort, dining, amenity and hospitality standards a hotel is unlikely to match. The reason is simple — employees don’t love the place the way an owner does, nor does an employee have the same kind of investment.
Recent studies by the Professional Association of B&Bkeepers International (PAII) and TripAdvisor have shown that the main reason, far beyond not being sure of what to expect, travelers don’t stay at a Bed & Breakfast is because they just don’t think “B&B” when thinking about accommodations. Hotels and motel chains seem to be best known around the world and have the most visibility. So dear readers, what can we do to get more people to think “B&B” in the first place?
Since you are reading this blog, you are likely already a Bed & Breakfast aficionado. PAII has launched the Better Way to Stay campaign to increase the profile of Bed & Breakfasts in North America. But it would be great to get your comments about what made you first choose a British Columbia Bed & Breakfast B&B. We BC B&Bkeepers Guild members value your comments and suggestions and very much encourage you to share your thoughts with us.
Thank you!