Voice of BC's Professional Bed & Breakfast Industry

Sockeye Salmon battle up both the Fraser and Thompson Rivers during their age old quest to return home and spawn. About 12 km of the Adams River, near Shuswap Lake in the Thompson Okanagan, will be the destination of millions of the returning sockeye as well as other salmon species. With 65 hectares of stream bed Adams River rates amongst the richest natural spawning streams in North America. Salmon return to the Adams River every year but every 4 years there is a dominant run in which the largest number of salmon return, dwarfing the smaller years.  2002 and 2006 brought a staggering 3.6 million salmon returning, 2010 is another  dominant year and it is expected to be a great year!  Don’t miss the opportunity to watch this incredible event first hand— it just isn’t the same on film.  Salmon return to spawn in many rivers in BC, but the likely numbers here are staggering.

The Pacific Salmon Commission released new information on August 24th, 2010 stating that the salmon run this year is expected to hit levels we haven’t seen in the last 100 years.  They predict over 25 million salmon returning to the spawning beds this year.

Check with one of our BCs Best BnB B&Bkeepers for local salmon watching suggestions,  great accommodations and specials too.