BC B&Bkeepers have been recognized and awarded again. The BBB 2010 Torch Award!
In brief: ‘Two Eagles Bed and Breakfast’ in Union Bay has won the Vancouver Island Better Business Bureau’s award in the hospitality category:
The Better Business Bureau of Vancouver Island (BBB) celebrated the ethical achievements of Vancouver Island businesses at the 2010 Torch Awards Gala celebration on May 14, 2010 at 6:00 p.m. in the Ballroom at the Westin Bear Mountain Victoria Golf Resort & Spa.
Each year the BBB recognizes and celebrates regional businesses that demonstrate excellent marketplace ethics and business standards. Customers nominate companies that they believe have gone above and beyond in their commitment to being fair, honest and reliable. This year the BBB received hundreds of customer nominations for 138 different businesses. In the hospitality category this year’s award went to Two Eagles Bed and Breakfast took the 2010 Torch Award in the hospitality category.
More about the award: http://windsorbbb.com/businessawards.aspx
More about the Recipients: http://www.canada.com/local+businesses+Torch+Awards/3056118/story.