Voice of BC's Professional Bed & Breakfast Industry

The Vancouver Island Short Film Festival (VISFF) looks back on five years of local film excellence with a retrospective screening on February 11th and 12th, 2011. This year’s festival will include a screening of award winning films that have been featured at the festival over the last 5 years and a live Pitch Contest where local filmmakers can pitch their short film ideas to the Festival audience with the winner receiving $500 towards the making of their next short film. Tickets for the VISFF cost $15.00 and are available at the Nanaimo Arts Council gallery in Nanaimo North Town Centre, and at House of Indigo and the Nanaimo Art Gallery on the campus of Vancouver Island University.  The festival will take place in Vancouver Island University’s Malaspina Theatre with a repeat showing Saturday, February 12 at the same time and location.  

Short films are limited to a running time of just 10 minutes.  There are presently 13 films scheduled, all award winners and people’s choice picks from the past 5 years.  This festival promises to be a lot of fun.

And for a super fun place to stay be sure to book your Nanaimo Bed & Breakfast accommodation at a member of the BC Bed & Breakfast B&Bkeepers Guild where, rest assured, you’ll sleep better than  your blogger did while sitting through “Out of Africa” which was definitely NOT a short film!